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Hello digital metropole

Erasmushogeschool Brussel started a new department "Design & Technology" with 2 main course programs, "Multimedia & communication technology" and "Applied informatics". Today, they sense the need to increase the awareness that youngsters can develop their ICT and design talent in the capital of Europe.

Presenting the department as a "digital metropolis” within Brussels—a digital metropolis itself—we focus on the unique combination of benefits, namely two worlds that appeal to the target audience: digitalism on the one hand and Brussels on the other.

Erasmus Hello Digital Metropole posters
Erasmus Hello Digital Metropole boomerang cards

The new website allows potential students to discover both. A direct mail was sent as soft launch for the open house day which resulted in 20% more visitors. More activation is planned to reach the final year students close to their natural habitat, each time by a fun combination of message and medium.

Erasmus Hello Digital Metropole responsive website

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