Stop Parkinson - Every step counts — Gutzandglory
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Stop Parkinson

Every step counts

Stop Parkinson is a non-profit organisation founded by Ivo de Bisschop who was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at the age of 62. Immediately, he felt like the disease wasn't getting enough attention nor resources for scientific research. That's why he decided to take on a big challenge with a few friends to raise awareness and funding: the Stop Parkinson Walk. We created all campaign material for the event, and a brand new website for the non-profit that saw the light of day after an extensive UX and UI trajectory.

49 days of hiking along the Belgian border, 1.500 kilometres in total: sounds like quite the challenge, no? The Stop Parkinson Walk is still a much-needed stunt to raise awareness for Parkinson's disease. Unfortunately, major pharmaceutical companies don't consider the disease a priority. Next to that, the big public doesn't always realise that Parkinson's disease has devastating effects on the lives of patients and that people under the age of 40 are also affected.

To make Stop Parkinson and the walk known to the general public, we launched an online campaign movie on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. In addition to the video and visual, we are also running Google ads. This online approach of the campaign is a conscious choice, because it allows us to reach the right target group in a very specific way.

For the communication part, we relied on PR agency Day One. They helped us with the elaboration of a regional announcement for Dilbeek – the town where Ivo lives, one for Ostend – the city where the walk will start, and also a national announcement.

But of course, creating awareness for the walk wasn't enough. We also had to make sure that people were kind enough to support this charity financially. Because every euro donated means a step forward in the Stop Parkinson Walk, and a step towards scientific breakthrough. That's why we and Mundo Digitalis built a new website for Stop Parkinson including a page that calls on both individuals and companies to easily make a(n) (online) donation. In addition, we created a virtual map where everyone can follow in real time how much money has already been donated, and therefore how many steps for the total of 1,500 kilometres have already been purchased.

To make sure that as many people as possible would see the campaign and are triggered to donate, we also created a key visual and distributed it in the form of posters and abribus, thanks to JCDecaux.

Next to that, we created a lot of other campaign material, such as posters, business cards, beach flags, flyers, roll-ups, support cards, emails and even a brand guide.

All of Stop Parkinson’s and our efforts already resulted in a nice amount of donations and media exposure on national tv stations VTM and RTL. Also a lot of Rotary clubs joined the charity and are organising numerous events in the coming period. And the walk has yet to start. Curious about the walk and how to donate? Check it out on the brand new website of Stop Parkinson.

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